December 12, 2008

'From My Cold, Dead Hands'

Charlton Heston: early civil rights activist and iconic humanist hero of classics such as El Cid or Planet of the Apes, or deranged gun-toting redneck demagogue? Anyway, I liked him in film and can sometimes achieve enough emotional distance between the role and the real person that even this, one of his most famous real-life pronouncements against the anti-gun lobby, is left resonating in my head whenever something jerks my chain enough to make me want to draw a line in the sand. Yes, Jan says NO to any more dealings with Russia, and expects Russia to be scared.
This week, Finland's former president and all-round good egg Martti Ahtisaari won the Nobel peace prize for years of sterling work in Namibia and Kosovo, amongst other places. At which Pravda, the post-post-Soviet organ of the Politburo, calls him a warmonger and 'The All-time Most Questionable Recipient' of the prize (don't bother looking for this article; they haven't dared to translate it into English). Obviously the likes of Henry Kissinger escape Pravda's censure in this vote, understandable as Kissinger was an amoral crook akin to the paper's own ex-KGB overlord, and therefore regarded much as the British liked to see Erwin Rommel during WWII: a decent bloke, pity he's on the wrong side.
Ahtisaari, on the other hand, has had the gall to be instrumental in securing international recognition of Kosovo's independence (so unfair, after all only 90% of their population is Kosovan). Clearly this is upsetting to a nation who still define their own worth by the size of their empire and feel uncomfortably emasculated by the parallels to be drawn from the last bits breaking off the former USSR-in-miniature that was Yugoslavia.
Thus the black-belt Putain will appoint himself President-for-life de jure again, the 80% of the Russians who just want to be dominated will rejoice (gulags for the rest if they step out of line, not that they ever existed, of course) and by then it'll be too late to put up walls between us and them. Holy fuck.

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