May 10, 2009

I feel a great disturbance!

We're familiar with those comparisons that put mankind's span on Earth to date into the context of a 24-hour clock, and the deathclocks that tell you your expiry date on this mortal coil after you've told them whether you work in a blue-collar job or that grandpappy had prostate cancer? 
This site mashes up these doomy contextualisers and comes out with something that'll make you feel not only part of a transient evolutionary phenomenon or alarmingly close to personal extinction, but thoroughly depressed about how vacuously you'll spend your time getting there: day by day, they show you how far along life's winding road you've trudged, in the timescale of a film that you're too familiar with. I'm already at Leia about to see Alderaan smithereened. This means they'll be handing out medals when I'm on my deathbed. Lovely.

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