I joined my local library the other day. You might have forgotten these places exist. Within a few minutes I had 60 quid worth of new literature of genuine merit between my grubby paws...and nobody even tried to question me on the way on the way out. Some security check must have gone astray.
You take away things that contain ideas, fantasies, plots, dreams...everything of that ilk you'll readily go online for. Only that you will not have to rely on your server, batteries, wi-fi access. This might seem more about books than anything else. But we all pay for this. It's ours; it has been there for centuries and now it's neglected.
I'm not a revolutionary on this front; I believe the Net, particularly through the search engines and Wikipedia, has done more to further universally accessible knowledge to a larger part of mankind than anything ever seen. But the Net does encourage superficialism: it's simply easier to skim. You search, you find, you end up ignoring the context, and even with just factual information-trawls, let alone trying to make some sense of art, it'll mean you've missed the bigger picture.
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