So, the fearful disenfranchised have voted against the educated and we're now heading out of an institution that curbed the worst excesses of successive Tory governments against them through protective legislation. Regardless of how any individual may justify their grounds for this act of blithe stupidity, it's the immigration issue and it's corrosive effect on uncomprehending minds that has won the day, as if leaving the EU will somehow furnish all those discontents with jobs they were never qualified for in the first place. Rather than meaning that in the long run, there'll be fewer jobs to go around, with the economy going up the Swannee.
It should, nevertheless, not escape anyone's attention that a voter turnout of 72%, while high in comparison to the pathetic totals for recent national, council and EU elections, is depressingly low for the most important vote most people are ever likely to have cast. That the polls got it so badly wrong is surely a result of the mass of the undecided taking the easy way out by staying at home, what with the weather being a bit inclement, leaving it up to other people to decide their future. I find this possibly even more depressing than the size of the Leave vote that materialised.
Now, the two European holidays I'm taking in the next few months have just got about 7% more expensive since yesterday. I'm off to town to find the first group of people who look pleased with themselves and demand my money back off them.
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