January 06, 2018

Once more, the Americans

I really don't care any more whether they chose to elect a mixed-race president (not black, not Muslim, not anything else they want to claim). But then they went and got in possibly the worst leader (a dictatorial, sexist, racist, chronically lying, mentally subnormal yet self-promoting demagogue, and that only scratches the surface) that a putative democracy has ever seen.
1. A nation who makes its children pledge allegiance to a flag on a daily basis. That would be a basic fascist ingredient.
2. Half of the population go to church to pray to an imaginary being each week, and attribute all their successes to that being. Failures are down to the imaginary counterpart called the devil, or alternatively just any other external scapegoat.
3. They buy guns in supermarkets and millions complain that they can't kill people more quickly. "It's not defence, it's protection". Protecting kids from being shot in schools, obviously.
4. A blind belief that if someone has got rich, even if they were born rich, somehow makes them a person worth following.
5. An utter miscomprehension of what taxes are meant to be for (a functioning universal healthcare and education system, not the world's biggest military. Doh!), and a deep-seated level of illiteracy. Social healthcare has the word 'social' in it, therefore it must be socialist = communist. Ditto, liberal = people who tolerate anything at all. I bet they all molest children too, those liberals.
6. We don't know where all these foreign and unchristian places are, but fuck them, just to be on the safe side.
7. Except that worldwide terrorism seems to have increased many times over as a result. Do Americans, as a rule, see a wasps' nest and just keep on prodding it?
8. KISS. And country and western music, bar a few more socially aware performers, line dancing and the ubiquity of R & B 'megastars' with identikit autotune songs and five notes per syllable to demonstrate their 'soulfulness'. The country as a whole has turned out many creditable music acts, because it is very large and therefore has room for diversity, but then there are these turds floating at the top of the pool.
10. Stealing a large part of the rest of the world's inventions: apparently, Americans believe that anyone who moved there later on is a part of their creative pool and the fruits of their labours proof of America's God-given greatness.

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