February 19, 2025

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact 2.0

 Or the Shitcan-Fart Pact, since that is what the names of the respective leaders now negotiating it are synonyms for, after all.
Further to this, the Russian despot's next move, in the face of so much appeasement from the west, may well be to carry out Anschluss on Belarus, who they'll see as Russians even more than the Austrians could have been considered Germans.
Meanwhile, in Yankeestan, no one seems to have picked up much on the red hats of MAGAts being an acknowledgement of submission to impending totalitarianism in the Soviet mould, this from followers of the inexplicably named 'red' party, the Republicans, who decades back were hell-bent on rooting out the 'reds under the beds'. This is schizophrenia on a mass scale, which leads to sociopathy, which leads to not caring about anything beyond their own noses.
If the last sentence has a familiar ring, it's transparently the same progression as "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering". Yes, the path to the dark side.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.