July 20, 2010

Someone Else's Masturbation

Do you think it's a private affair? A solitary pleasure like your daily dump, like the dreams that you have at night that have no consequence once you enter the world of the tactile once more? Do you think there's no price to pay?
There's a world of novelists out there that think their wanks are worthy of your attention. You'll be bombarded with streams and torrents of their references, and you'll feel poor and debased under those showers for not having been able to counter them with anything. Don't be. Just ask yourself: 'Did that writer, for all their cleverness, ever actually communicate anything to me personally? Were they actually able to? Or was everything they said just meant to go over my head because they could use their position in the driving seat to achieve that?'
More than often, it'll be the latter. People will always abuse positions of power. That doesn't mean that anybody has said anything of consequence to you.
Now, I'm putting up my umbrella; I'll finish '2666' by Roberto Bolaño if it kills me.

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