September 18, 2010

Papal Bull

How trite to tar the Pope with the Nazi brush for having been in the Hitler Youth as a teenager. He hardly had much of a choice, after all, and to equate that with Nazism of the death camp species just betrays a deep ignorance of historical complexities on the part of the speaker.
No, far better to dismiss the evil little git as what he is: the head of a massive demented institution that, like a fascist leadership, proclaims the weight of its numbers in support of its divine rectitude. Paedophilia is swept under the carpet, more than half of its own catchment, i.e. women plus homosexuals, is marginalised or repressed, and death from Aids is preferable to pragmatic self-protection. And then the fuck has the nerve to turn up as a state guest and immediately lay into the host nation for having rejected these abhorrences, quite incredibly going so far as to draw parallels between atheists and the Nazis.
And this after one of his leading cardinals had described landing at Heathrow as being like arriving in a third world-country, which no amount of glossing can disguise as anything but another way  of saying that there are just too many wogs and infidels here. Yup, we really need spiritual leadership like this now.

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