After so many years of not touching it, it becomes like a spring clean for the mind. I expect no readership; that's not the point of it. So, to clear all the bees from my bonnet, here goes.
Putin: now falling back on a modern-day version of Mainila, because he has nothing else left. Trying for Stalin without any actual Nazi invaders to justify being an egocentric amoral dictator.
Trump: lies always seemed like a dependable option, as well as calling the man in charge too old when he's hardly much younger and has never been competent at anything, including business, understanding communication or the human race.
BAME: yes, right-minded people care, but every single white person isn't responsible for American slavery, so drop that if you want to be seen as a rational human being. Read some history, please.
Woke: a horrible American term again, but apparently we're now stuck with it, and it seems to have led to this. Go on, start burning books in the name of not offending anyone at all. I wonder who else burnt books to delete history?
LGBT plus all the add-ons: all the gay people I've ever known haven't wanted to, or given a shit about being bracketed together with people who are feeling that their sense of misalignment is not recognised.
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